Progress Report 2/29/19 – Introducing the Introduction – and a Tutorial!

Hey everyone! 

We here at OgreWare really appreciate your feedback, and we’ve been looking at what you have said about Calling All Heroes. The consensus is clear: We need a tutorial. And an introduction.

OgreWare has accepted the challenge, though, and is tackling this surprisingly difficult task. It’s difficult mostly because those doing the programming are gamers who know not only this game, but game design in general, very, very well…and it’s not actually that easy to design a tutorial for something you do without even thinking about it.

Think of it this way: Imagine you have to design a tutorial for someone to make a peanut butter sandwich. You might say “take out two pieces of bread, and put peanut butter on one,” but unless you elaborated, the person might stack the two pieces of bread and then put the jar of peanut butter on top. See what I mean? 

To put it another way: Non-gamers don’t know to look for the familiar mechanics that gamers intuitively seek out when first navigating a game. Even simple things like attacking an enemy can be complex when you don’t have the general mental framework that playing dozens or hundreds of games over the years will build.

OgreWare is also working on an introduction for the game – something to give you an idea of the storyline. One other piece of feedback we’ve gotten has been that “the game’s name doesn’t make sense” because we are recruiting monsters, not heroes…And the Introduction is going to, hopefully, clear that up.

If you have any suggestions for things that you’d like help on in the Tutorial, please go ahead and comment below or talk to us over on our Facebook. And as always, you can get Calling All Heroes on Google Play by clicking here.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and have an awesome day.
