Progress Report 3/4/19: Get Tutored

The Tutorial is up and ready for you to download! Whether you’ve downloaded Calling All Heroes before, or are about to play the game for the first time, you’ll now be prompted to view tutorials on the various parts of the game – though we have included the option to skip each section, so you won’t have to sit through them if you already know how to play. We’ve also made it a little more difficult to accidentally delete your save game, which apparently happened to at least one person. 

The next task on Calling All Heroes is creating the introduction, and OgreWare, so far as I know, is working on that now. 

I have a confession, though: I got distracted, as I was writing this blog, by none other than…yeah. Calling All Heroes. The game I blog about twice a week, has taken over the rest of the week. That, OgreWare says, is the danger of idle games: You think to yourself, “I’ll just play this for a few minutes, every few hours, and it won’t take up much time. Just those spare few minutes.” And the next thing you know, you’ve been sucked into the game entirely and your five minute break at work has turned into half an hour, and…

…yeah. I guess I just really like acquiring little monster dudes and sending them on missions and watching gold accumulate on a phone screen.

And I suspect it’s only going to get to be more fun, as we go along and as the introduction is added. Once players can really get immersed in the story, I think it’s going to be even more addictively enjoyable. (Enjoyably addictive?)

If you’re curious to see what I’ve been talking about, head over to see the app on Google Play and download it there. If you need help, you can always go through the Tutorials; alternately, you can just play through and as different features come up, or tutorial sections become relevant, you’ll be prompted to view them. 

If you like the game, rate it on Google Play – and if you hit any snags or bugs, let us know over here in the contact form. As always, it is most helpful when you can include the device and Android version you were using, but any and all commentary will be attended to and appreciated fully.

That’s about all for this Progress Report. Tutorial is up, and the intro is coming soon. Stay tuned! I’m going to go back to trying to get these Treasure Chests open…
