Troop Spotlight: The Sea Serpent

A couple years ago (around 2016), I started to see the term cryptid thrown around online. At first I was baffled. What the heck was a cryptid? A spider that frequents grave sites? A mummy of some sort?

But I found, soon enough, that the real definition was actually more interesting: “An animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the yeti” (Oxford Dictionary, Cryptid, as a term, also carries connotations of an association with pseudoscience, parapsychology, and, in essence, “X-Files material.” Urban legends and folk traditions intersecting with science and biology give us the study of – and fandom around – cryptids.

My first favorite cryptid, when I was young, was the Loch Ness Monster. I identified with “Nessie” and dubbed her a kindred spirit, a misunderstood soul, a creature who was more animal than monster. Later, when I moved to the DC/Maryland/Virginia area, I became fascinated by the Mothman (Point Pleasant, West Virginia) and the Bunnyman (DC). But Nessie remains a firm favorite for me.

I think that for me, Nessie got mixed up in my mind with the creature from the 1951 Ray Bradbury short story “The Fog Horn,” which involves a similar massive, terrifying, but lonely and misunderstood creature. My mom, a passionate Bradbury fan, used to read me those tales as bedtime stories (which maybe explains a lot), and that one story stuck with me in a deep way.

So drawing a Sea Serpent was enjoyable. I wanted to draw something truly monstrous, but also a little cartoonish, to keep it somewhat relatable and endearing .What I ended up drawing is almost nothing like how I imagine Nessie and the Fog Horn creature, though. I guess I didn’t want to portray my “realistic” imaginings of cryptids. Maybe, though, someday, I’ll illustrate some of them. That would be fun.

Here is the Sea Serpent in her Normal and Royal variations. I love the idea of a royal Sea Serpent. Maybe I can Photoshop in a little princess crown or tiara for her.

If you’d like to test out this and other troops in Calling All Heroes, click here to play the game. Any feedback you’d like to give is, as always, welcome!

~Admin Taylor

P.S.: Yes, Gyarados is my favorite Pokémon. I won’t even try to deny it.