Progress Report 11-1-18 | Late Nights and New Android Build .65

Sometimes – well, quite often – when one is making something, whether it be a comic or a game or a novel…things go disastrously wrong and screw up your schedule so that you end up reaching your milestones much later than anticipated. Cluster-fudge-bars are pretty much a fact of the artistic life, something we have to just deal with as best we can, pushing back deadlines and apologizing profusely in hurried blog posts.

But other times, things go disastrously right. Once in a while, those late nights and bloodshot eyes and sore backs pay off, and you get something published right on time, or even early.

That’s exactly what happened with OgreWare concerning Calling All Heroes. I’d been told all week that “we probably won’t have the update out for Thursday.” But here I am, making the following announcement: The new build of Calling All Heroes is out now.

So while OgreWare sleeps off the headache and eyestrain, I’m going to tell you all about the bug fixes and feature updates you’ll enjoy in the new Beta Version .65:

  • The save system has been reworked. Previously when loading the game your save data, in some instances, become jumbled, ruining your game. This should no longer be the case.
  • Occasionally when completing a Mission, the rest of your waiting Missions would be cleared, forcing you to wait out the refresh timer. This has been corrected.
  • Due to the save issue above, sometimes Missions would vanish before completion, locking their party into a Mission that no longer exists and can not be completed. With the save rework above, this will no longer happen.
  • A bug in the Map system, which had caused accidental duplicates of existing buildings, has been fixed. These extra buildings gave no benefit, they just took up space and made further land more expensive to purchase.

The one drawback – and this is a common issue with beta testing – is that to use the new, working save system, you’ll probably have to delete your old save. Regardless, we do hope that you enjoy the new version. As always, any feedback is welcome, especially if it is accompanied by information on what platform/device/system you’re using to play it.

And in case you don’t have it, here are links to the Android Beta (download to phone or Android device) and the Web Beta (play in browser).

~Admin Taylor