Progress Report 12/13/18: Work/Life Balance

Hello everyone! It’s time for a Progress Update here at OgreWare.

We don’t really have a whole lot of progress to update you on, but with good reason: In essence, OgreWare’s day job has taken over 120% of their schedule. I wish I was kidding! I do not envy the Ogre work schedule. As a result, we really don’t have much in the way of visible updates or topics of discussion, because frankly, not a lot happened with CAH this week. OgreWare is doing the best it can to manage the work/life balance, but it is not an easy task.

Work/life balance is a difficult thing to manage in the first place; add in the factors of having essentially two full time jobs, and the result is a challenging, complex puzzle of balance. It is what I sometimes call “the Jenga Tower of Responsibility” –  you can rearrange, yes, but only up to a point. After that the whole thing can come tumbling down, if you keep taking things on. 

OgreWare has done a masterful job of managing both the Calling All Heroes project and various day job responsibilities, until now – and I think, considering the amount of work (50 or more hours a week) that they spend on their day job, they are still to be commended for work/life balance.

We are eternally grateful to everyone who’s been reading along. If you haven’t already, please do like us on Facebook, and post below if YOU have ever had an impossible work/life balance problem. Maybe you can give us some pointers.

Until next time…
