Progress Report 10-18-18 | Mission System and Android Build!

This is gonna be a massive update, so I’m just going to get into it.

You’ll notice that you can now unlock a new building: the Mission Hall. This grand Hall is not, perhaps, quite fit for a Mountain King, but it’ll now unlock Gathering Missions – an important next step in your Calling All Heroes journey. Gathering Missions are the first type of Mission you’ll unlock; there are three more types, but those come only after upgrading. For now, Gathering Missions will allow you to obtain Materials, necessary to build the later Troop buildings (like that darn Magus that I could never get in the first beta!).

The three subsequent types of missions are Exploration, Treasure, and Dungeon missions. Exploration missions focus on gaining XP for Troops, Treasure missions focus on Gold and Runestones, and Dungeon missions have a variety of rewards.

Missions vary more than just in name and type, though: They also can take place in any of a number of environments, such as Forest, Town, River, or Cave. You’ll unlock more environments as you level up the Mission Hall. These are important in that different Troops have different affinities in different environments: for example, the Wasp has a bonus on missions in the Forest, but a disadvantage in the River. This adds a new layer of strategy to the Mission system – it’s important to choose Troops for Missions at least partially based on their affinities.

In other news for this update, four new Troops have been added – ones you’ve seen if you’ve been following the Troop Spotlight series – and all Buildings have higher max levels and upgrades. And – oh, one more thing:

The Android build is up.

Let me say that again: You can now play Calling All Heroes right on your Android phone, no browser required!

When playtesting on Android, please give us whatever feedback you have, good or bad. It would also be extremely helpful to know, with your feedback, what phone and Android OS version you’re using. We’d really appreciate it!

You can play online or on your phone – but be forewarned, you’ll have two different save files. We don’t yet have a cloud-save system (to let you switch from platform to platform and play the same save file), but we may be able to work that in at some point in the future.

You can click here to play online, or here to download the Android version. As always, we will keep you posted. See you next time!

-Admin Taylor