The First Review of Calling All Heroes | “Damn You OgreWare!”

So, it’s likely that you already know what we’ll be talking about today, seeing as how last week we launched the open beta of Calling All Heroes. That’s right – this is possibly the first review of Calling All Heroes, at least the beta version, written by me. Me. Julian Jaymes, who can’t finish a Kirby game and did not own so much as a GameBoy until age 18.

Oh god.

And yes, it was a little awkward to get started playing this, because I’m actually not used to gaming. But even I, with my questionable-at-best hand-eye coordination and decidedly nonlinear thinking patterns, was able to get into the rhythm of CAH pretty quickly.

The first thing I did was to clear out land, of course, and then build the buildings to unlock the next few troops. I was surprised that I was able to get the first 3 troops in about 5 minutes, which is very fast, especially by my standards of “couldn’t figure out how to leave Pallet Town for three days” pace. But it was definitely fun to unlock the little dudes.

But I ran into an issue pretty quickly, which I thought a rather major one. See, the later buildings require not just Gold to build, but Materials. The current beta version of the game starts you with 500 Materials to spend, and no way to get more – but the last building isn’t actually buildable because it costs 1000 Materials and I didn’t have even 100.

I, of course, immediately called up OgreWare to inform them of their error. But they responded with a query: “So, what you’re complaining about is that you have to think strategically, spend your Materials wisely, and the beta has left you longing for more features on the game?”

Damn you, OgreWare. That is TOO devious.

So don’t be dismayed if you hit the same wall I did with the Tower building and those 1000 “missing” Materials. They’re not missing – OgreWare is just a little twisted, clearly. …And very, very good at making players want more.

If you haven’t played the beta yet, please click here to play and let us know what you think. Troop Spotlight will be back next week, but for now, I bid you all good afternoon. I’m going to go sulk until OgreWare gives us a way to earn Materials in CAH.

-Admin Julian