Concept art, designs, and works in progress from the OgreWare studio.
The Ogre workflow doesn’t really lend itself to sleek, flawless work-in-progress shots, but here are some of the images we’ve captured along the way:
Our current project’s protagonist in a simple form, wielding a basic sword and shield.
The Baker, a town NPC from our current project, in his most basic form.
Like most game dev studios, we create concept art as part of the process:
A digital sketch of the Gardener NPC from our current project.
A digital portrait sketch of the Ranger NPC from our current project.
Sometimes we end up creating many versions of one element as we explore different ways to represent it in the game.
Sketches of early design possibilities for the Granny character.
A later sketch when we’d narrowed down more of how we wanted Granny to appear.
An early version of Granny’s 3D chibi form.