A New Era of OgreWare.net!

Hello ladies! Hello gentlemen! Hello, all the rest of you scum!

(I stole that line from a skit performed at my local Renaissance Faire. Inclusive AND mildly insulting. Sounds like me.)

My name is Julian Jaymes and I’m an artist, illustrator, and writer. I crete comics and illustration projects, and in the past year and a half I’ve become the main concept artist for OgreWare’s projects. I provided lineart and background images for Calling All Heroes, and I’ll be providing at least the concept sketches for current and future game projects.

As of now, I’m also the new admin for the OgreWare social media accounts, and I’ll be posting regularly to keep you updated on everything that’s happening here. From updates on the actual games to behind-the-scenes reveals to sneak peeks at the actual concept art, this is where you’ll be able to keep up with OgreWare’s content online.

Right now, OgreWare is working on rebranding and redesigning its homepage and social media accounts, and we’re just wrapping up the new logo, which is attached to this post. What do you think?

As always, if you have any questions about OgreWare or what we’re working on, feel free to email admin@ogreware.net, or just pop a comment on this post.

I look forward to building the OgreWare accounts and getting more content to all of you. Thanks for your support, and stay tuned!
