Progress Report 2/7/19 | The Final Countdown

Hey everyone! It’s Thursday, and that means a Progress Report blog! 

We’re coming down to a matter of weeks before the actual official release of Calling All Heroes, so I’m sort of bouncing on my toes waiting. This is OgreWare’s first release of a full game, and actually my first time being involved in any game project, so it’s extra special. 

However, at this moment, OgreWare’s systems are occupied with processing some very cool, very important stuff for day-job tasks. So unfortunately, the past few days I have had to watch a very passionate game developer wait and wait and wait for their computer to be freed up to do the last bits of design needed in order to call Calling All Heroes complete. 

We are hoping for an official release by the end of the month. Can’t promise it, but it’s looking really good. 

And before the game is available on Google Play, we’re still beta testing it here online – click here to play in your browser (or here to download the Android .apk) if you’d like to play it before it’s officially out.

We’d really like to thank everyone who’s been following and supporting this process. From our game studio to you wherever you are, have a great day!
